Mr. Sharma graduated as an ecologist in 1993 from Tribhuvan University, Nepal and advanced study on Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Agriculture from Norway in 1999. He did Ph D from Mizoram University, India in 2013. His engagement includes vegetation ecology for >two decades under different projects on Integrated Conservation and Development and Natural Resource Management, and in depth knowledge in protected area networks for biodiversity conservation and monitoring and sustainable use. He has undertaken Undertook over 50 projects in wide ranges of themes.
He is involved in studying, analyzing and evaluating the collaborative conservation activities of bio-resources and sharing these experiences with different stakeholders including university students. He is affiliated with Central Department of Botany as consultant professor and supervised MSc and Ph.D research fellow scientists.
He has many research publication in national & international journals, and produced more than seven dozens of technical reports and documents related to the ecology, bio-resources and biodiversity management.
Dr. Sharma is one of the founder members, and Coordinator (NRM/Biodiversity) in CODEFUND.
Phone: +9779843681331