Nepal has diverse conservation learning from its geography; ethnicity; culture; religion; tradition; conservation and so on. Our nearly 25 percent of land mass is under protected area system allocated for in situ management of keystone and flag species of alpha, beta and gamma diversity. Dissemination of our conservation information including learning is costly and least effective. Mostly, the contents that we value are mismatching to the objectives that fund us; so learning are filtered; unprioritised; remain dormant and non-communicated. Our conservation jumping seems following the global agenda, however our economics has no such jumping as of other which influence maximum the global agenda. Probably, this scenario makes us to look at other face and pots unless we have our own conservation manifesto, our own mechanism to implement the manifesto and own mechanism to disseminate the our own agenda. Further, globalization and emerging issues like climate change have an increasing influence in the stability of fragile mountain ecosystems and livelihoods of mountain communities in Nepal. Many such matters are yet to go among the Nepalese communities as well.
Wetlands Academy as CODEFUND envisioned will build knowledge and human resources. Conservation Banking will generate financing capacity. Now, time has come that Nepal should publicize both global and national conservation agenda through a committed and fulltime Green Television Channel effectively and regularly. A green channel when in operation helps disseminating wide range of national conservation issues unconditionally in cost effective and influential ways.
CODEFUND has requested to Nepal Forum of Environmental Journalists (NEFEJ) to lead this initiative.
Banner photo is the Golden Monitor Lizard from Bardiya district classified Protected Species by Government of Nepal.